Das Erbe - politics on the ground by Eva Borrmann

In the performance series politics on the ground PLAN MEE seeks an engagement with architecture, body and memory. PLAN MEE leaves the black box (heterotope) - and is dedicated to the historically grown space.
The first part DAS ERBE (the heritage) investigates the connection between places and remembrance performatively. The production is to be understood as a method.
With an ensemble of 5 dancers and 8 children we approach places shaped by memory and culture. The fragile body stands in unyielding space. Architecture and body, forgetting and remembering stand opposite each other and yet are inseparably linked. We are in the present and in the past at the same time. Remembering and forgetting together forms our collective memory, the cultural identity - WE WERE HERE!
Choreography / Concept: Eva Borrmann
Dance/Performance: Claudia Greco, Justyna Kalbarczyk, Lena Schattenberg,
Fernando Balsera Pita, Davide Sportelli
Young dancers: Zara Berdich, Leo Hausel, Mathilda Hoffmeister, Emil Kosá, Fabian Preißer, Philemon Mirkos Pross, Milena Rädisch, Paula Wild
Dramturgy: Lisa Hrubesch
Costume: Franziska Isensee
Production management: Julia Opitz
Assistance: Melina Geitz
Pictures: Simeon Johnke, Sebastian Autenrieth
Video: Alexander Hehn
+ Team Tafelhalle
Venue: Tafelhalle/ Nürnberg, St. Katharinen Nürnberg, ...
Premiere: 20.09.2018
Sponsors: Dieses Projekt wird ermöglicht durch den Bayerischen Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (BLZT) aus Mitteln des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst, Stadt Nürnberg, Tanzzentrale der Region Nürnberg/Fürth e.V. sowie der Nürnberger Sparkassen Kulturstiftung und der Tafelhalle Nürnberg.