I lived in the cracks and moved in the shadows
by Lena Schattenberg

I lived in the cracks and moved in the shadows is a dance which is not stopping. Once I embark on the journey, I let myself travel until the time of exactly 20 minutes is over. This practice is a process which I do for myself as well as for you watching me.

I have decided that my research lies in the practice and is bound to the physical exploration.

I have decided that my practice invites me to explore, to embrace the potentialities of every moment and to vividly connect to my curiosities and desires.

I have decided to take my needs seriously.

I have decided to dance to a techno track by danish DJ Courtesy on my ear phones.

I have decided to dance with my glands, from my glands, through my glands and on my glands.

I have decided that this dance is a travel which embraces everything that happens on the way; as if I was on a road trip where things happen to me, pass by, inspire me, while I actively drive the car into the adventure, into the unknown.


Choreography / Sound Design: Lena Schattenberg 
Production: PLAN MEE/Eva Borrmann
Outside Eyes: Elise Ludinard, Lorenzo Ponteprimo, Alexandra Rauh, Layla Naomi Loebel, Eva Borrmann
Costume: Daina Kasperowitsch 
Photos: Annika Hammer

Premiere: 9.11.2023
Performances: 9.-11.2023 + 24.+25.11.2023
Location: Tafelhalle, Nuremberg 

Special thanks to Michael Akstaller, Christian Meier and Samuel Feldhandler.


For BIGGER THAN THE UNIVERSE, choreographer Eva Borrmann has selected five international artists and sent them on a search for the supernatural, the inexplicable and the mysterious. Six fascinating solo works emerge from their individual exploration of different spiritual practices, opening up the conventional theatre framework. The theatre space is transformed into an installative cosmos in which various artistic positions are presented, which make it possible to experience an image of spirituality in very different ways through body, movement and sound. The audience is invited to move freely through the space, approach the protagonists, surrender to the special atmosphere of the evening and expand their own horizons of perception.

Dieses Projekt wird ermöglicht durch den Bayerischen Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (BLZT) aus Mitteln des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Stadt Nürnberg, Tanzzentrale der Region Nürnberg/Fürth e. V.. Diese Produktion ist eine Kooperation mit der Tafelhalle Nürnberg im Rahmen der Impulsförderung der Stadt Nürnberg.


With the solo I lived in the cracks and moved in the shadows, which Lena created in 2023 as part of the PLAN MEE production bigger than the universe, I as a viewer was given magical moments.
Maximum mental concentration is combined with incomparably energetic body language. Lena embarks - dancing - on an (inner) journey in which she explores her own wishes, longings and needs with and through her body. Lena bases her impressively condensed choreographic score on a clear formal framework: dancing for 20 minutes, without interruption. A timer provides orientation. Immersed in techno music, which she listens to via headphones, Lena roams the room. We as viewers also listen to electronic music (composition: Lena Schattenberg). In an immersive spatial setting we follow Lena, we can read from her body. But we don't have to. We are invited to lose ourselves together with Lena, to move. But we don't have to, because we are free. We form a temporary, heterogeneous community. We travel. My breathing becomes faster, just like Lena's.

Julia Opitz
Producer/dramaturg in the independent performing arts