KALÉOS by Cie Utilité Publique

Creation for the season 2016/2017 A choreographic installation
Conception and Choreography: Corinne Rochet and Nicholas Pettit
Dancers: Marie Vienntot, Maëlle Desclaux, Lucille Mansas, Lena Schattenberg
Costume: Diane Grosset Light Design: Pablo Weber Music: Nicholas Pettit
Administration: Marianne Caplan
Diffusion: Corinne Rochet et Nicholas Pettit
KALÉOS: an organic kaleidoscope, in XXL format, where we are given time to experience the sensitive !
"L'Enfer", the unfinished film by Henri-Georges Clouzot, made in 1964 is a source of inspiration for the two choreographers Corinne Rochet and Nicholas Pettit. From this film, by diving into the heart of KALEOS, we will hold on to the sublime on color experimentation, the strong and elegant presence of bodies in motion, the sensorial illusions and the spiritual fantasies.
In a lightweight form and designed for 4 tall female dancers, KALEOS questions our relationship to space as a place of transformation. Tall bodies marking the vertical, tall bodies for all their narative dimension. They give us an optimistic recital of elevation, a majestic character portrayal, suggest to us finesse and aspiration. A pure corporal fountain that lifts from the earth proving its presence to the world. With the kaleidoscope as the starting point and pretext to finish with the traditional frontal relationship audience/stage, proposes to the spectator a sensorial emersion into the heart of a choreographic installation.
Here we experience the sensitive, we question the implicit and dive into a space intimately linked to the organic. The space of the body, either human or vegetable, is reflected in terms of a permeable skin, times featherlight touch doubles as a means to sense sensations.
"There is fear of giving ourselves space in this world of urgency that we have created"
It is in response to this observation that Corinne Rochet and Nicholas Pettit offer us, during a period of 40 minutes, the time to experience contemplation and to satisfy our need for abstraction.
Contemplation of bodies, contemplation of nature, an organic kaleidoscope, in an XXL format, open to us.
Link to more information about the work.
Conception and Choreography: Corinne Rochet and Nicholas Pettit
Dancers: Marie Vienntot, Maëlle Desclaux, Lucille Mansas, Lena Schattenberg
Costume: Diane Grosset Light Design: Pablo Weber Music: Nicholas Pettit
Administration: Marianne Caplan
Diffusion: Corinne Rochet et Nicholas Pettit
KALÉOS: an organic kaleidoscope, in XXL format, where we are given time to experience the sensitive !
"L'Enfer", the unfinished film by Henri-Georges Clouzot, made in 1964 is a source of inspiration for the two choreographers Corinne Rochet and Nicholas Pettit. From this film, by diving into the heart of KALEOS, we will hold on to the sublime on color experimentation, the strong and elegant presence of bodies in motion, the sensorial illusions and the spiritual fantasies.
In a lightweight form and designed for 4 tall female dancers, KALEOS questions our relationship to space as a place of transformation. Tall bodies marking the vertical, tall bodies for all their narative dimension. They give us an optimistic recital of elevation, a majestic character portrayal, suggest to us finesse and aspiration. A pure corporal fountain that lifts from the earth proving its presence to the world. With the kaleidoscope as the starting point and pretext to finish with the traditional frontal relationship audience/stage, proposes to the spectator a sensorial emersion into the heart of a choreographic installation.
Here we experience the sensitive, we question the implicit and dive into a space intimately linked to the organic. The space of the body, either human or vegetable, is reflected in terms of a permeable skin, times featherlight touch doubles as a means to sense sensations.
"There is fear of giving ourselves space in this world of urgency that we have created"
It is in response to this observation that Corinne Rochet and Nicholas Pettit offer us, during a period of 40 minutes, the time to experience contemplation and to satisfy our need for abstraction.
Contemplation of bodies, contemplation of nature, an organic kaleidoscope, in an XXL format, open to us.
Link to more information about the work.