The Democratic Season by Alexander Gottfarb

In the second season at Der Betrieb, The Democratic Season, we will explore democracy through choreography. This will help us to visualise and manifest a process of “democracy in the flesh”. In our work, need, ability and effort are key terms.
We understand what we do – i.e. dance and choreography – as a way of practising being together. This being together needs to have democratic traits. But what happens when minorities are voted out and singular utterances become unwanted? In the course of this season, we will implement strategies for equality and freedom to explore how democracy can appear between and in our bodies.
Artistic direction: Alexander Gottfarb
Choreography and Dance: Martina De Dominicis, Alexander Gottfarb, Anna Maria Nowak, Nanina Kotlowski, Raul Maia, Charlotta Ruth and Lena Schattenberg
Musical Composition: Stephan Sperlich
Costumes: Karin Pauer
Dramaturgical Advise: Guy Cools
Production and management: mollusca productions
Graphic Design: Katarina Schildgen
Photos: Kati Göttfried
Dates: 15.2-1.4.2023, Mon-Frid 13:00-18:00, Sat 14:00-19:00
Location: Der Betrieb, Vogelweidplatz 13 1150 Wien
Production and Management: mollusca productions
Support: The Democratic Season is an Archipelago production co-produced by WUK performing arts With kind support of the City of Vienna (MA7) and the bmkös - Federal Ministry Republic of Austria - Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport Department and Arbeitsplatz Wien